FIDC Client Statistics 1st July – 31st August 2023

Graphical representation of statics for FIDC clients

A total of 48 clients enquiries were received by the Business Development Team from the 1st of July to the 31st of August. An encouraging 65% of these enquiries related to the newly launched Green Business Programme.

Green Business Programme Funding Accessed:
3 x Commercial Green Loan
1 x Personal Green Loan
3 x Rural Energy Additional Generation Grant
2 x Thermal Efficiency (Domestic) Grant
2 x EV Grant
2 x Rural Energy Grant Phase 1
1 x Rural Energy Grant Phase 2
1 x Domestic Electricity Safety Check & Improvement Grant

Which includes Combined Funding Packages:
2 x Commercial Green Loan + EV Grant
1 x Personal Green Loan + Thermal Efficiency (Domestic) Grant
1 x Commercial Green Loan + Rural Energy Additional Generation Grant

If you would like more information about any of the Grants, Loans or support available contact us.

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