Leadership & Management Development with Harrison-Moody Training

Attendees at the training session

Nigel Moody from Harrison-Moody Training travelled to the Islands to deliver a five-day Leadership and Management Development course, hosted by FIDC, to provide attendees with a better understanding of what constitutes effective leadership and management.

The programme comprised a mix of tutor-led input, providing essential background information and context, combined with facilitated interactive discussions, group activities and relevant case studies. The aim of the programme was to enhance the participants knowledge and develop their skills, tools and capabilities.

If you are interested in potentially participating in a future Leadership and Management Development training course then please email strategic.projects@fidc.co.fk for more information.

As a trainee manager, I found this programme incredibly useful. It provided me with the opportunity to understand and manage myself better, which is the first principle of modern leadership and management. The programme also emphasised the importance of creating effective teams based on understanding, trust, and openness.

Overall, the Leadership & Management Development Programme with Harrison Moody has been instrumental in shaping my leadership style and enhancing my management skills. I believe it is a valuable resource for any aspiring leader or manager.

Elizka Oelofse-Volschenk, Falkland Islands Company Ltd

“The course was well structured, delivered at a pace which meant we could follow and absorb the information being presented by Nigel.

It was a good mix of visual information and candidate participation. The practical activities gave us the opportunity to work as teams and start to build on what we had learnt. I would highly recommend the course to anyone who manages a team or teams of staff.”

Caroline Sutherland, Falkland Islands Meat Company Ltd
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