FIDC Clients Statistics

FIDC received 143 client enquiries. Of these, 66% came from Stanley and 34% from Camp, and represented 92 new clients and 19 returning clients (some with multiple enquiries). An impressive 38% of all enquiries received were related to the Green Business Programme of which 51% of Green Business Programme enquiries were from Camp, while 49% […]

Hillside Business Park – Sarah Clarke Tattoo

Sarah Clarke is thrilled to announce the launch of her new venture, operating under Sarah Clarke Tattoo. This exciting new chapter began with a passion for creativity and a dream that’s been years in the making. She can be reached primarily through her Instagram page, @SarahClarkeTattoo, and by email at Starting the business has […]

Tom Baker Appointed FIDC Strategic Projects Manager

FIDC is delighted to welcome Tom Baker as the new Strategic Projects Manager. Tom brings a deep connection to the Falkland Islands and a wealth of international experience to the team. Originally from Stanley, Tom has long aspired to return to the Falklands to continue the legacy of his father, Richard Baker, who served as […]

FIDC Session with Year 11 Enterprise Class

This week, Business Engagement Officer Jane conducted a session with the Year 11 BTEC Enterprise Class at FICS (Falkland Islands Community School). In addition to providing an overview of FIDC’s work, Jane guided the students in preparing for their upcoming assessments by discussing key aspects of business plan creation, such as market research and pitch […]

Survey Insights: Waste Management in Camp

As part of an ongoing effort to understand waste management practices in Camp, the Environment Department, supported by FIDC, conducted a comprehensive survey. This included gathering feedback from attendees at the Farmers Week Expo and responses from a questionnaire circulated to residents of Camp. The survey ran from the 30th June to the 16th September […]

Harrison – Moody Training Courses 2024

FIDC recently hosted a series of in-person training courses focused on professional skills, delivered by Nigel Moody and Sophie Harrison-Moody of Harrison-Moody Training. Nigel delivered the five-day Leadership and Management Development programme to 12 participants. The course enabled the delegates to enhance and develop their leadership skills and capabilities, develop a clear understanding effective leadership […]

Careers Day 2024

Zach, Clare and Farrah were very pleased to attend Careers Day at FICS yesterday, hosting an interactive session which tasked the students to work in groups to create business plans and present them to the FIDC “Dragons” to secure hypothetical funding. The winning team presented their idea for their new business “All Cheese”, and secured […]

FIDC Client Statistics 1st July 2023 – 30th June 2024

In the 2023/24 financial year (July 2023 – June 2024), FIDC received 231 enquiries. Of these, 63% came from Stanley and 37% from Camp, representing 124 new clients and 35 returning clients. An impressive 55% of all enquiries were related to the Green Business Programme of which 45% of Green Business Programme enquiries were from […]

James Marsh appointed FIDC Business Development Officer

FIDC is delighted to welcome James Marsh to the team as Business Development Officer. Originally from West Falkland, James brings a deep connection to the Islands and a wealth of experience from his time working abroad. With a great understanding of the hard work, creativity, and innovation that Islanders consistently demonstrate to make the most […]

Hillside Business Park – GB Training Services

Gene first approached FIDC during the first phase of cabin allocations for Hillside Business Park in late 2023. He was in the process of setting up his new business GB Training Services and was looking for business plan assistance and financial forecasting. With support from the Business Development Team, Gene submitted a successful application and […]